Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Klick Desk and Chair Set

This is a GREAT concept!  It is considered one of the most innovative children's products for 2012.  It acts as a desk and chair  when in use and then fits together nicely to make a cube when not in use.  It also has storage space! It comes in different fun colors.  It is a little pricey but if your in the market for a study space for the kids  look into the Klick desk and chair set!

Friday, May 11, 2012

Chalkboard Mug

Great Gift Idea for Moms, Dads or Teachers

When we saw this idea we Loved It!  It is a great idea for a teachers gift, Mothers Day, Dad's Day or any birthday.  We tried it and it turned out so cute that we gave ours away before we took a picture.  Ours was painted to the rim, but this is really cute also.  The kids can help but more importantly they can write the message!  So Fun!

Follow Fletcher into Spring!

Fletcher thinks its snowing!   Read this delightful book and follow Fletcher as he discovers that the world is bursting with blossoms, not snow.  This is one of those stories that you might want to read with your children on a blanket spread underneath a beautiful tree. You can almost smell the scent of flowers by the end of the book. You can purchase "Fletcher and the Springtime Blossoms"  on Amazon or find it at any of your local book sellers.  Happy Reading!

Friday, April 20, 2012

Let's Garden!

There is a great saying that we found on an advertisement.  It says,  Along with milk and vegetables, kids need a steady diet of rocks and worms.
Rocks need skipping.
Holes need digging.
Water needs splashing.
Bugs and frogs and slimy stuff need finding."

April is a perfect time to unearth the secrets of nature.  And children are the perfect students. 

We love this little starter gardening set! Follow the link or find it at your local pottery barn kids store.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Home Grown Easter Basket

Easter is drawing nearer everyday and we wanted to give you another quick option to add some fun to the day. Wheat grass Easter baskets. A simple and fun way to not only celebrate the holiday but also Spring and the growth of new things. Plus what a surprise for the kids to find REAL grass in their baskets.
We found this website to be simple and helpful. We thought we would give it a try it! We hope you follow along with us and see how everyone did at the end of the week. Happy growing!

Friday, March 30, 2012

Baby Bindle

The Seat Pak is a little round bag that attaches to the side of a babies car seat/carrier.  It's like a fanny pack for your baby! In ours we fit 8 diapers, wipes, diaper cream, 2 pacifiers, AND there's still room for more. In the outer pocket you could keep your wallet, phone, and car keys! The Seat Pak replaces a diaper bag and gives you 1 more hand to keep track of the kids. I know a bunch of you have big-old diaper bags.  www.babybindle.com

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

The Easter Egg by Jan Brett

This beautifully illustrated book shares the story of one bunny's determination to enter and win the Easter Egg contest that all bunnies participate in right before Easter.  Each page is delightful!  Children of all ages will find the pages intriguing as they search for small and large pictures that tell the story. Find this treasureful story at your local book store or online at Barnes and Nobel.